About the Farm

We raise our meat on pasture, and you can taste the difference.
Our farm is located just outside of Dry Ridge, Kentucky and we sell pasture-raised chicken to friends all over northern Kentucky! We believe chickens were made to roam and scratch through the grass, so that’s what our chickens do. We believe farming should improve the soil and the grass, so that’s what our farm does (thanks to the chickens and the natural fertilizer they produce on a daily basis). Keep reading for our daily practices.
Chick Days
The chicks arrive at the farm when they are just a few days old and settle into their cozy brooder with heat lamps, bedding, and plenty of food and water. They stay here for a few weeks until they get their adult feathers and are ready to graduate to the pasture.
Pasture Days
The chickens spend the bulk of their lives in hoop shelters that give them access to grass and bugs to eat. We move the shelters every day, rain or shine, so they get fresh pasture! Chickens also need lots of calories to grow, so they eat lots of grain from a local grain mill as well.
To the Market
We chose a USDA-inspected poultry processor in Ohio and really appreciate their tidy operation. We drive the frozen meat home in freezers and then bring it to farmer’s markets for you to enjoy!